
Raking fall leaves, and then right into snow.
Sledding at Grammy's and Grandpa's.
Isaac loves high school and surviving the work load.
I am so happy.
Isaac plays basketball. Jeff coaches.
Abbey dances her heart out in 4 numbers at her recital.
Abbey throws a Christmas party.
Patrick turns one.
Mom cries.
But has to stop crying in order to bake, wrap, shop, cook, clean, and decorate.
Christmas goes off with a bang.
Mom collapses in exhaustion.
Is carted away to a spa to recover for weeks.
Not really.
The busiest year of my life.
But the best,
so far.
Thanks to KAMI for this cute idea!


  1. Great post Sarah. What a great year in review. I love those picture square things. I need to figure out how to make those. You are so clever.


    PS -- I love the mudroom you made in the garage - genius!

  2. It's fun to see your year this way. Lots of great pictures and a very busy year for you guys. Seriously...how does one do five kids?! You are awesome!

  3. This is the best entry I have ever read! I love it and I am going to copy it within the next 30 years. (just giving full disclosure).
    I love having this progression of your family. What a great idea!

  4. I also love the collage thing ... way cool!

    That picture of the kids near the edge of the cliff got my heart beating faster ... edges freak me out.

    Your children are just beautiful. Thanks for the peek into your "busy" life.

  5. Great post Sarah! I also love the picture collages you do!

  6. You are SO clever! One day, when I get that DREAM camera, I will do this!

  7. LOVE this post and your family!! I am soooo wanting to do this Sarah...thanks for sharing!!!

  8. I found your blog through Just A Girl's post about you. I loved this year in review! How did you make the collages? I'd love to try this sometime!
