
Weekend Work

This last weekend was beautiful and I was determined to get our yard in order.  Which is no easy feat, but the sooner this huge job is completed the sooner we can enjoy my most favorite season of the year...summer!

 Remember Isaac's welcome home from college gift?  He'll be happy to know that he doesn't have to touch this chore-his least favorite thing to do ever.  Probably besides writing papers and studying for exams which he was doing instead.

I made a big old list, and recruited helpers. (Recruited is a nice word but it was more like "we are doing yard work all weekend and everyone has to help" ...groaning, whining, complaining, sounds emitting like there are legs getting chopped off with anesthetic...and that's just Jeff :).

Here's my list:

If Janey wasn't sleeping (monitor blasting in window), one of the jobs up for bid was to push her up and down the driveway in the stroller.  It was either that or spread mulch.
You'd be stupid not to pick sweet Janey-watching for heaven's sake.    

This year I cut the beds deeper and planted hot pink impatiens all along the front of the house.  I threw those babies in faster than you can say "these will all get trampled with some sort of ball why am I setting myself up for failure."  I am diligent about watering this spring/summer all the work should be worth it...till the poor things get trampled with a ball.

  My favorite tree...which is so old, and loses more and more branches every year, but I can't bear to part with her presence.  If only she can hang on just a little longer.  

She's been so kind to us over the years...her kindness could have possible contributed to her branch-sparsity. 

So last fall I took down the ivy climbing up the doorway.  I don't know why I did that, it just felt good to rip it down and clean things up.  But then I saw this photo from last year and the ivy looks so pretty. 

So ivy or no ivy this year?  
What do you think?

 No ivy...


I'm thinking ivy...and ivy is thinking ivy, because I've already noticed it creeping up the brick wall.