
Encouragement For A Mother's Heart


  1. What a wonderful thought for a Monday!

  2. Great quote! Thanks for sharing...definitely something to be mindful of when speaking my mind around the house with little ears listening. :-)

  3. I just wanted to tell you how much i appreciate you writing this blog. I am the mother of 4 young children and I have found so much inspiration and commonality and encouragement from reading your writings over the years. When you took a little break last year (?) I was so sad that you were going to be done and I felt like I had lost a mentor. It's easy to think sometimes as a stay at home mom who spends most of her days in yoga pants and without makeup that what I do can hardly matter for anything, but of course that is absurd and sometimes it just nice to find a spot in the world/internet where I can go to feel validated for the daunting and wonderfully beautiful task of being a mother. I admire you and am so grateful you are willing to be vulnerable and open to whoever might stop by. Thank you.

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