
Back to School and New Baby Lists

How did things become so complicated?  I made the mistake of walking into Babies R Us the other day and was completely overwhelmed.  I have always kept things simple but this time I feel a need to more than ever.  But I began doubting myself when I saw all the options and choices of just about everything.  All the bottles, and different types of pacifiers and carriers and for goodness sake, fancy swaddle blankets!  Things to stick the baby in...all these fancy seats and contraptions.  I stuck to my guns though and only bought what I came in for....one bottle for emergencies, a simple paci, white light thermal blankets for swaddling (I did purge on those new gauze ones that are nice and big and light for summer), and some good old fashioned A and D ointment.  And cloth diapers for burping...the same kind my mom used on all of us.  I have a few more essential supplies at home of course but I'm keeping it all to just that...essentials.

Honestly, more than ever, all this fancy stuff I saw, EXPENSIVE stuff...babies just want their mommies, and they want them close and they want to be held and calmed and cuddled every day by their mommies.  I'm not dismissing the importance of a good baby swing (a lifesaver sometimes!), or a safe place to set baby because life does go on, but oh my, it seems like all that mother/baby relationship stuff has been replaced just by plain stuff.

Isaac's college shopping trip was fast and easy of course.  Like, "How does this blanket look for your bed?"  "Good."  "This pillow feel good?"  "Yup."


  1. Ha! Yes - your shopping experience will be totally different with Abbey! :) I am getting so excited for that baby to get here!

    Oh and I loved the sneak peek of your bathroom. It's going to be so cute! Green is my favorite color and half of our upstairs rooms are painted in one shade of green or another. Today I wore a grey top to the gym with my kids and Ellie said, "mom - I like you better in green. It's just more you."
    I had to agree. :)

  2. I LOVE the contrast of your lists, and the idea of sending one to college within weeks of giving birth to another. What an absolutely amazing summer! I love the simplicity of your approach to this new little one, so wise. I wish I had been that insightful 15 years ago, would have made life so much more peaceful and stress free.

  3. Okay... call me crazy but as a new mom of one (read: don't know any better and people bought us all kinds of things we'll probably never use) The swaddlers are amazing. Yes I do know how to swaddle tightly with a blanket, but the velcro tabs make it so that no matter how much he wiggles he cannot escape. They are one of our favorite things. Otherwise I agree... baby stuff is complicated.

  4. I wish I could send this to two friends of mine who just had babies and went HOG WILD with registry items, pre-baby purchases, post-baby Amazon orders. Of course, it seems a little bit like rubbing it in their face now as I wade through the piles of baby stuff at their houses. I know first time moms go a little overboard, but I am hoping that when my time comes, I can remember all of the sage advice you have shared here! Thanks for that, always!

  5. Everyone's list should be as simple as yours is for a baby. They have so much crazy stuff for babies now because of baby showers, I believe. It gives people stuff to register for and get at their showers. After having just one child, I totally agree with keeping it simple.

  6. I thought I was the only sane one about baby items...I cannot stand all of the "gadgets!" Even on my first baby, I didn't want all of that plastic in my home, and I found with each baby, I needed even less of that. I've had the same baby carrier for 14 years and it's still just fine. I agree that some items need replaced but very few.

  7. I love your baby list! I had a friend who told me how she was researching and researching about all the different baby bathtubs and I just had to laugh. We had two days to prepare for little E's arrival and I literally had nothing. I realized later that our quick (and exciting!) trip to Target for the basics was all we needed anyway. :).

  8. Hi Sarah! Love your list for the precious new soul! I was exactly the same with my little when she was born 2 years ago. It had been 8 years since I shopped for a newborn and I could not believe the crazy things I saw!!! The only thing I did get that I loved was a Halo sleep sack. I loved it! My older kids called it her snuggie!!! Enjoy this wonderful time! Oh and I did return the wipe warmer!!

  9. i had my first, and hopefully last, panic attack when i registered for my baby shower...we were barely in the door and i looked at bottles (my baby would never end up taking one) and i freaked out wondering how hard it was going to be since we "needed" all this stuff! when my third baby was about four weeks old, i heard of a family that was in need of all things baby...swing, pack in play, bouncy seat, exersaucer....gave it all away...that third kid of mine....he survived! Lol. We make everything so complicated now...great post!

  10. I have a confession...with Caroline I caved on my overwhelming trip to Babies R Us and bought all sorts of new gadgets I had never seen before. I spent a ridiculous amount of money on things my neighbor told me I "needed" (never "needed" it with the other 3??). Guess what? I didn't use ANY of it. What a waste. You are a wise mama.
    And that is why I love your blog! :)

  11. What touches me is the pile of items for Isaac's dorm room. Time goes by so fast. . .

    Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl. :-)

  12. I love the two list together--that is great!

    sandy toe

  13. Love the photo of all of your college stuff. Made me remember my own photo of my car loaded to the hilt after an awesome trip to Target.

  14. Ha, I love this post! I have been where you are, new baby, one off to college, I even had a daughter get married while I was expecting my last little guy! My new baby list is almost identical to yours-down to the sponge for the bath. I hate those new tubs all hard and formed, the sponge is great and soft and can aid in hands free bathing. White cloth diapers are the best burp cloths ever! My daughter does swear by the new aiden and anais muslin swaddle blankets-I would have loved those. Have fun washing it all up and getting ready for your new little one coming to your nest and washing isaacs things as he leaves the nest. Exciting days.

  15. I totally agree with the idea that there is way too much stuff for babies! I got a lot this time because it was the first time, so I needed a crib, a car seat, and such. I got a lot of "extra" stuff second hand, and I have a feeling there won't be a lot of stuff bought for baby number 2 in a few years. Unless it's a girl...then look out world.

    I also remember college shopping for myself and how overwhelmed I was by the list. I ended up having way too much. I moved in freshman year with a minivan stuffed to the gills. I moved in and out every other year in a sedan with room for driver and passenger. :)

  16. With my first baby we had too much stuff, and all my baby wanted was me, that is, IF he decided to be happy. (He was a really hard baby) Now, I am pregnant with my third, and we are in the same 1200 square feet home. This baby will get a swing, a tiny bassinet that can be inclined, the burp rags I used with its brothers, a car seat, our old stroller, and a set of new muslin swaddlers when I find out the gender, the old fashioned way, at birth! You are right, all they want is you, milk, and sleep!

  17. I love shopping with my boy. Nothing is a big deal. With my daughter, EVERY LITTLE DETAIL is a big deal.

  18. I agree and for me it got to less that was needed with each kid. Even toys, they don't need so much. My big purchases with the last baby was a new stroller and a new seat with a canopy that now I realize I didn't need. My favorite thing about a new baby, besides the baby, is blankets!

  19. I love cloth diapers for burp cloths too. And a good bouncer or a swing. My kids always seemed to prefer one over the other, but it was different with each one, so one went in the attic and one stayed down. Before the vibrating bouncers, my aunt would put my colicky cousin on the dryer in her car seat, because she loved the vibration. :)

  20. So fun to read about someone else doing the same thing at the same time. Doing my first back-to-school shopping with my kindergartener and heading to Babies R Us tomorrow for basics for #3 due in 29 days! Pump parts, pacifiers, newborn diapers and wipes--that about covers it. I don't need one more thing to put that baby in -- I already have too much! Though I did add a baby wrap/sling to my new baby items this time--feel like with a 5 and 2 year old I might need my hands free. Best of luck! I have my 36 week appointment tomorrow!

  21. I love you baby list. I think the simplictity of it is awesome. The only thing I might recommend is that you may also want to purchase a new car seat also not an infant seat which I saw on your list but a convertible car seat. I work in law enforcement and car seats have expirations dates. So if you were planning on using the same carseat patrick is in now it might have expired by the time new baby gets in to it.

  22. My mom packed my oldest brother for college the same summer she was expecting her last baby. Quite the experience.

    With each of my three pregnancies, I would get completely overwhelmed in the baby store. In the five short years, it was amazing all the changes to baby gear. I think the big swaddle blankets and diapers (burpies) are the best.

    Enjoy this special time!

  23. It's so hard not to get sucked into "needing" all the stuff for baby! When I had Jacob almost 2 years ago, I had a few white onesies, a few blankets, diapers, wipes, cream, a sling or two, and a few things I got from my baby shower like a bouncy seat and a diaper pail.. which in my opinion were luxuries. When he was born my mother came over concerned that he didn't have any clothes, his head hung when we put him in the bouncy, and other concerns. In my head I thought I would rather get him things as needed instead of having unneeded things laying around. She thought I was crazy and went out to buy him clothes, a rock and play, and a bunch of other things. It was her first grandchild so I let her but I never told her that I felt I was as prepared as I needed to be... with the stuff at least. With this baby, my 2nd, I'm planning on dusting off old baby things and getting a jar of buttpaste. That's about it. All babies need is sleep, food, and diapers. I got it covered. Good luckw ith your baby!!So excited to see if its a she or a he!

  24. oh i miss those baby diaper burp cloths!
    i simply cannot wait to see this new baby!! :)

  25. I totally agree about the baby stuff...with each child I get rid of more and more stuff that I totally thought I needed the first time around.
    But those muslin wrap blankets? The Aden and anais type? Those actually ARE essentials for me. Best ever.

  26. I just LOVE the stark contrast between the two lists!! And, I just LOVE your blog. I've been a fan for several years now, and I am always sure to check your blog at least once a week. I love your style and your "keep it simple" philosophy is inspiring. :-)

  27. This is not an experience that many women are blessed to go through... preparing one for college and getting ready for baby. I love hearing about it. And I'm just dying to find out what this baby is... :)

  28. As a new mommy, I can definitely appreciate your baby list. I knew I wanted to keep it simple with my little one, and requested that my family members not throw a shower (even though it was my first). I bought a stash of cloth diapers for my little one (which will be used with her siblings as well), muslin swaddling blankets, and I made a crib sheet, skirt and curtains for her nursery.
    My brother brought over a car load of stuff from my niece - bouncy chairs and swings and stuff. She hates it all, and just wants her mama. I wouldn't want it any other way!
    Can't wait to "meet" your new little one!

  29. I don't know if you remember me, but I sent you book list for one of your sons. Wow, one newborn and one going to college. We are sending off our third for his second year. I was going to suggest the egg crate, but then saw you had that. Better than that, lots of rolls quarters for the washer/dryer. The one thing my son runs out of! Best wishes and blessings for both!

  30. You are so smart to keep it simple. The essentials for 'things' are the swing, crib, changing table and basic clothing. I love those cloth diapers for burp cloths. Used them with every baby I had.

    You are also very smart to get a head start on the college essentials. We had to shop for all my daughter's things on the same day that we dropped her off and checked her in. We spent hours and hundreds of dollars at Wal Mart. I was a ZOMBIE by the end of that day!!!

  31. We kept it simple when our daughter was born too. Sometimes I'd go shopping for diapers and see some nifty little thing and was tempted but we stuck to our guns and I'm so happy we did. You're so right- they just need mom (& dad at times!), to be fed and bathed - and those are all such basic things.

    You are going to have such an exciting August! I look forward to hearing about it so we can come along for the ride! :)

  32. I agree with all the craziness about all the things we "need"! Just insane if you ask me. I will recommend though the Baby K'Tan for a fantastic baby sling that doesn't kill your back and/or shoulders! One item well worth your money. Good luck with all the wonderful and exciting things coming your way.

  33. My baby is 12 and I still have some of my boys "burpers" as we called them. some things I just could not get rid of. Keep it simple. like:)

  34. Thank you for this post. Our foster son came home from the hospital this week. We have a handed down swing, mesh tub and bouncy seat. I had a maya wrap (sling), and a crib from my children. Glad to see your list so simple.

  35. GOOD FOR YOU! Honestly, I get a little sick when I look at baby registries. Honestly? People REGISTER for baby gifts now. I mean, I'm glad to know that there are specific things that people want, but most of the stuff is unnecessary.

    There's one gift I now give every new mom--a plain old inexpensive bath sponge. You know the big yellow sponge that you can just put in a little bit of water in the bathtub? I think they were about $5 when my kids were born eons ago, and they're still only about $6. Sometimes the new moms look at me like "What is this??" But they usually come back when the babies are a few weeks old and say "Wow! That bath sponge is great!"

    You're right--babies want their mommies. Just like little kids want their mommies. And big kids want their moms. And adult kids want their mothers. There's no fancy equipment that can substitute for the attention of the one who carried you and gave birth to you. My own mom died in 1999, so I know firsthand there's no replacement for a mother's time and attention. It makes me sad to think of the young moms who think they can't afford to stay at home with their kids--not to mention the moms who just don't want to be at home with their kids. The truth is that it's hard sometimes, but it's so very much worth it!

  36. My youngest is 9 and I can't believe the difference in things. My new niece is 8 months old and oh my, we just don't know the importance of everything that we need now!

  37. :( That last pic made me sad for you.

    As for your newest babe splurge and get a BUMBO. Worth every single penny

  38. I will be having my first baby in November and I have been taking an easy nonchalant approach. The baby is a girl. And all I have bought are some basic kimono-syle onesies and one of those footed body suit. I really don't see the reason for many of the cool things out there. I know I will need some burp cloths, diapers, diaper rash cream... the essentials.

  39. The contrast between the two lists is very touching!
    I totally agree with you on the baby stuff. Splurge on a great rocker to nurse in, a good stroller to exercise with. take care of mama so she is comfy and the baby will be happy and calm.
    that being said with my colicky baby the white noise machine and miracle blanket were a total miracle!
