
Big Brothers

We are all grateful that Isaac is home and able to spend Thanksgiving with us.
Most especially, Isaac's little buddy, Patrick.


  1. oh goodness, those pictures are just precious! You are a lucky Momma indeed.

  2. Oh those two..so much love! It makes me teary.
    Happy Thanksgiving Sarah! I hope you all have a wonderful day together.

  3. Aww...so sweet! I can tell Isaac has been at school (hence the longer hair, LOL)

  4. How lovely is it when you have big brothers like this.

  5. LOVE those pictures Sarah! I'm sure you are so happy to have all of your kids under one roof again! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving sweet friend! :)

  6. Isaac's growing some lamb chops!

  7. Love it. I have often wondered if those big brothers and sisters truly have any idea of how much they are loved and adored by the young ones. My oldest (14) went away on a church retreat for about 4 days. You should have seen the weeping and wailing around here when he was gone...but, then there was the glorious return. My son laughed it off...but I hope that it stuck somewhere in there how much he means to all the little people around here! Hopefully Isaac gets how much he means to you all.

  8. Such pure joy in those faces. Sarah it is so clear that you and Jeff are great parents. Happy Thanksgiving to your whole family.

  9. Love this, Sarah! I can totally relate...that will be my oldest and youngest. My heart hurts for my little guy when I think about big brother leaving for college some day.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  10. LOL! That's exactly like our house....except instead of little Patrick, Joey has "little Billy" to contend with - a 13 year old always poking him, laying on him, punching him, begging him to play....which Joey obliges.....you're never too old to play! I love to see my boys playing together. Enjoy your family this weekend!

  11. So sweet. We are loving having our oldest home too. But no one is happier than our other son.

  12. Oh Sarah - it is truly amazing how similar we are! Right down to our exact same bedroom furniture! Incredible! Another great game is Telestrations. It's so much fun!!
